On the 19th of December REPUTATION will be moving to Vermundsgade 40A...
...and join our beloved sister agencies – Saatchi & Saatchi, MSL and Publicis Sapient. We all look forward to live under the same roof in order to work even closer together in the future. Yes - phone numbers and e-mail addresses will remain the same.

On an emotional note ... thank you for 17 ab fab years in Bredgade and Palægade.
We will miss the people here. The offices. The surroundings. The atmosphere. The pulse. The Queens Guard walking by playing lunch music. All the excited tourists taking pictures of our dragon above our entrance ... and all the people knocking on our door asking what kind of place this is. It’s been outstanding ... but it’s time to move on.
See you in Vermundsgade!
A lot of exhibitions and events over the years. Here are some of them
...and some more