Windows // Fashion Is For Idiots
Fashion Is For Idiots
We’re all slaves to fashion. We’re all fucking idiots. Sometimes. Mary had a little lamb but like the rest of the flock it ended up at the slaughter house, only dead fish follow the stream blah, blah, blah. But true.
Mass uniformity will never get us noticed, admired or desired. Individuality is what turns heads, gets us laid, brings home the bread blah, blah, blah. But true.
Let’s dare to go green when the rest go red. Let’s dare to use a different compass to navigate us to a different conclusion...
Let’s dare to stand out.

Around the world
The statment has traveled fare from the tip of South Africa to the polar circle. It has been flagged at fashion fairs and shown in magazines (ELLE Mexico, Sportswear illustrated and much more) and even won a gold medal in a US design competition
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